Illumination of the Breath: bridging Science & Spirituality

Led by Dom


Generally on The Illumination Series: these series presents immersive yoga workshops for dedicated practitioners and teachers looking to deepen their understanding of yoga on and off the mat. Each session explores intriguing topics that shape our yoga practice and extend beyond the mat. Led by seasoned yoga teachers Miz, Cam, and Dom, these workshops seamlessly blend theory and practice, enabling participants to delve into concepts and apply them right away. Whether you're keen on hopping into individual workshops or grabbing the bundled deal, get ready for a journey filled with deeper understanding, self-discovery and yoga magic.


See also Illumination of The Body & Illumination of The Heart

Illumination of The Breath: In the theoretical part, we'll unravel the science behind breathing, from how it affects our body's functions to its connection with our emotional state; from understanding cellular respiration to the Bohr effect and the nuances of blood pH modulation.

Digging deeper, we connect the way we breathe to the way we feel, exploring Polyvagal theory and the sweet connection of breath to our nervous system. In yoga, we explore that everything is whole, everything is connected, and breath is a sweet metaphor for it all. We delve into the holistic perspective of breath, connecting it to the subtle energies of the body and the ancient wisdom of the gunas. "Gunas" refer to three basic qualities or attributes of nature. These qualities are present in everything around us, including our thoughts, emotions, and actions. In the practical sessions, we'll explore various breathing techniques and how they can transform your yoga practices and emotional experience. Simple shifts in your breath offer an opportunity to change how you feel and navigate life's challenges with stronger resilience, grace and understanding. 

Guided by the latest scientific insights and ancient yogic wisdom, this workshop transcends boundaries, offering a holistic understanding of breath that elevates your yoga practice  - on and off the mat. Dom, fueled by her interest with both cutting-edge discoveries and ancient wisdom, and inspired by the teachings of her mentor Dylan Werner, among others, will guide you through this journey of "aha" moments and new discoveries.

15.00 - 18.00

375 DKK





Bundle (all 3 sessions):
1.000 DKK



Dom • @koprdik

Dom was pulled into her first yoga class when battling anxiety. Yoga helped her to understand that there was more to herself and life than what she had ever imagined. Learning to implement this amazing practice in all spheres of life, Dom believes yoga is for everyone willing to get curious and explore - on or off the mat.

Dom’s teachings are all about creativity, playfulness and authenticity. Last year she finished her advanced 300 hour training with Dylan Werner, now making her a 730 hour registred yoga teacher, trained in Ashtanga, Rocket, Yin and Vinyasa.