Cam Team

Cam • @cam.origin

Born and raised in Denmark I always found myself seeking adventure, traveling to explore different cultures and challenging the comfort of home. When in Copenhagen I was riding high on the career path trying to balance a work life in the hectic (but creative) entertainment industry, sewing costumes, and teaching yoga. Soon I realized that something needed to be set free, for the passion of yoga needed more attention. It might not make empirical sense, but this was the calling i got. Now I'm lucky to unfolding my creative self (and dreams) through the creation and running of KAILO.

With more than 900 hours of training ranging from alignment based Iyengar yoga, to soul-searching Bhakti yoga, I find myself teaching wholesome classes. Expect encouragement to explore your mental and physical edges, that serves beautifully to introduce you to your best and most brilliant self. With a particular devotion to slow down our never ending brain waves, I'll guide with emotional focus, physical awareness and oftentimes resonance. I'm dedicated to offer classes that balance the sweetness of inner as well as outer work, shedding light on our individual hidden treasures.

Dom Team

Dom • @koprdik

I was pulled into my first yoga class when I was battling anxiety and yoga helped me to understand that there is more to me than the storylines created in my mind. Learning to implement this amazing practice in all spheres of life, I believe yoga is for everyone willing to get curious and explore - on or off the mat.

The core of my teaching is about practicing awareness and paying attention to the physical and subtle body and my classes are creative and playful, allowing for individual explorations and a sense of freedom. You can also expect some funky transitions, good music and inspiration for how to implement this ancient practice into our modern lifestyles.
I love to drink coffee and chit chat about all and nothing. I enjoy dancing, eating nut butters late at night and I love anything unusual and unexpected. Most importantly, cringey music, movies and reality tv shows are my absolute guilty pleasure.

Shaan teacher team

Shaan • @shaanrali

Yoga for me has been the most grounding element of my life. After working with refugees as a Camp Manager and a photojournalist in Greece & the Middle East, I was properly burnt out and my yoga practice was the only thing that helped me process my PTSD. Finding breath, balance and a dedicated space to go inwards meant everything when I needed it most.
It is this gift - of providing this space to students to see and be seen - that feels like the greatest honor around teaching.
My classes are filled with sillyness, (dry, Australian) humor, the philosophy behind the poses and a blend of strength and softness. I love reminding my students that yoga does not need to be so stiff and serious, but can also be a light and playful way into the body. 

When not teaching, you'll find me working full time as a Lawyer for a non-profit supporting journalists, behind a big set of drums nurturing my love for West African music, or at the sauna.

Miz Team

Miz • @natarajayogauk

I like to hold classes around connection, within and from the practitioner, embracing flow and the natural world, exploring movement in the body and in space. My Yin and relaxation sessions delve into breathwork and Qigong practices, allowing understanding of awareness deeper within the body, and energetic connections. 
The love I have for movement comes from a childhood of daily practice with a Punjabi father, and years at dance school. So my style comes from 18 years of practice and teaching, in studios, at gyms, working with people with disabilities, weight lifters and desk-bound designers, and then guiding a unique and satisfying combination of inventive and challenging conscious control, infused with inspiring guidance and light-heartedness. Miz is registered as an E-RYT200, and has 500-hours of training in Ashtanga-Vinyasa, Yin Yoga, Restorative & Somatics, Trauma Informed Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as certificates in all sorts from Neural Flossing to Tantric Philosophy and Kalaripayattu.

Lena team

Lena • @lena__charlie

Every day, yoga gives me the space to connect body, mind and heart. Since ten years-ish, it has been a constant part of my life, and honestly I don’t know what I would do or be without it. Sometimes it feels joyful, sometimes heavy - embracing the wild ride of life, growth, and freedom within, shedding all the layers to come to my core self.

Through my classes, I hope to create an inspiring space for joy and transformation. It should allow you to embrace the softness, the heaviness and all the in-betweens, to sometimes go beyond, find play in the unknown and hopefully leave you with a smile on the lips. 

I find pleasure in sunshine, coffee, delicious food with even more delicious company, dancing, plants and creative DIY projects. I love cooking for others and pursued a PhD in food science. Since more than six years, I live a vegan lifestyle rooting from the care for the animals, planet and my own health. I believe every day we have the chance to choose good-ness, joy and compassion in the small or big ways, on and off the mat, and make life and earth a better place for ourselves and others.  

Bella Team

Bella • @yogabybella

I first stumbled across yoga as a teenager and have since incorporated movement, meditation, and pranayama into my life as avenues for healing, release, and rest. Years later, I’m continually inspired by the many ways in which yoga can facilitate both individual and collective healing. My approach to sharing and teaching yoga is centered around exploring themes of connection, compassion, and contentment within yourself and with those around you. In class, you can expect fluid and explorative flows that emphasise free movement and expression, while cultivating a sense of connection, presence, strength, and inner peace. Warm and open in my approach, I teach through a trauma-informed lens, and invite everyone to come as they are - just as they are. I truly believe that if we begin with a gentle curiosity, we can all develop strength, flexibility, compassion and endurance throughout the whole self. When I’m not on the yoga mat you can find me FaceTiming my Dog who lives in Australia, baking caramel slice or trying a new art & craft.
Emma team

Emma • @yoga.emma

I came to yoga over ten years ago. My local gym offered a class and it seemed like a fun way to mix up my workout routine. I had no idea that eventually it would change my life. As I continued to practice, I came to understand that yoga is more than stretches that feel good, more than mental exercises that reduce stress. It’s a lens to perceive the world and life itself through. It’s a way of finding purpose and connection to yourself and the world you’re so beautifully a part of. I’m naturally restless as a person and I’ve often struggled to feel grounded and to decide which direction to take my life into. The path of yoga has been a true friend at these recurring moments. The practice amplifies the highs and reminds me to show more kindness towards myself when I’m feeling low. The yoga tradition is so rich, and I continue to find answers and inspiration in its teachings and texts.
As a teacher I see it as my finest task to hold space for my students. I strive to create a space that feels inclusive and safe. Where there is room for you to explore. Whether we move through a sweaty vinyasa practice or slow down to feel the landscape within.

Daniela Team

Daniela • @danniutrera

I always dreamed about being an Astrophysics Engineer but life happened and found myself very lost as a teenager. I was in a black hole, saving as much money as I could, in a job I didn't like so I could travel and figure out what to do next with my life. After traveling in Sri Lanka for a month, I decided to do my first teacher training without ever stepping a foot in a yoga studio before - little did I know where that choice would take me. Yoga has taught me so much about myself and it is an ongoing journey that I keep exploring every time I step on my mat.
My classes are inspired by the four elements of Fire, Earth, Water and Air. Honored by all the trainings I have done and all the teachers I love and awakened by the music I play. When I am not teaching, you can find me listening to podcasts, playing boardgames with my partner or most probably, doing handstands.

Giorgia team

Giorgia • @_off_the_mat_

I fell in love with yoga since the first time I stepped into a studio many years ago.
I've always been attracted by Eastern philosophy, I believe in karma and I feel yoga is somehow something I've done in different lifetimes.
The reason why I went to India was to deepen my knowledge of this ancient philosophy, I had no idea at that time that I wanted to teach yoga myself.
Sharing this powerful practice with other people is for me a way to keep learning about myself, yoga changed my life, it gave me the strength of facing my fears on and off the mat and moving forward from a life I didn't belong anymore.
It's never ending path through which we have the possibility to explore our body, mind and soul, accepting our bad days, bad moods and learning day by day as soon as we step on our mats that nothing is permanent.
The Ashtanga style is often present in my classes as my first love, adapting it to a more flowing practice, at the end of my classes I hope you'll feel that energy flowing throughout your body and your mind.
Travelling is one of my addictions and teaching yoga allows me to travel, joining new trainings, meeting new teachers; and teaching in different places in the world is one of the aspects I'll never be grateful enough for.

Team Laura

Laura • @laurajervidalo

I have been practicing yoga my whole life from my mothers belly. I grew up in a yoga school in Copenhagen and practicing yoga was always a natural part of living life. Growing up yoga practice was a way to find balance and calmness in everyday life activities and challenges.

After moving to NYC in 2015 I met teachers Yoshio Hama and Sri Dharma Mittra that inspired me tremendously to be able to share this ancient, beautiful, life-supportive practices.I started to teach because I want to serve my community and share the knowledge discovered in my own journey. In the physical aspect Ifocus on the relationship between strength and flexibility to balance the body, but just as importantly how overall through  incorporating all eight-limbs of Yoga it holistically support longevity in outer and inner health. Balancing the physical, sets the body for stillness, silence and creates the preparation for deeper discoveries in more subtle parts, encouraging sensitivity and heightened enjoyment of existence. I hope to help my students to a deeper understanding of their inner Self.

Laura has fulfilled advanced teacher training in Dharma Yoga, Rocket Vinyasa Yoga and Backbend, reaching over 1000 hours of certified teacher training.

Malika Team

Malika • @malikalucymalu

I started my yoga journey by watching my mum practicing the five Tibetan rites in the morning when I was a kid. Intrigued, I joined her and eventually started going to vinyasa classes at my local martial arts gym.
Since then, I have traveled and moved countries multiple times. I studied a bachelors in Marine Biology and my Masters in Climate Change is what has brought me to Copenhagen.
My love for nature and this planet is also what keeps urging me back onto the mat. The physical aspect of yoga and the deep practice of meditation makes me feel grounded and connected to the earth and nature and I hope to inspire similar feelings in my students. I love teaching and practicing yoga outside and early in the morning. I enjoy mixing asana style, finding a fusion between vinyasa, hatha and yin. I love drinking coffee while reading travel, yoga and/or fantasy books and I love to create music.

Team Daniela

Daniela P • @daniela.padelletti

I'm enthusiastic, electric, infectious person. I'm a mom, a designer, a creator that love to mould my experience through life into Yoga classes. I explored the world of body movement through aerobics, swimming, surfing and aerial silks. I remember very vividly my first Shavasana where my heart was crushed and a sea of ​​tears suddenly flowed from my eyes.  Yoga found me at a time in my life when I needed it most. A time where I was desperately seeking positive transformation and light. Yoga knew what I needed, even before I knew. This is how my yoga journey began, trying different styles in different places. Ashtanga gave me the discipline and perseverance to apply it in all aspects of my life so thanks to yoga I made a radical change in my life. So, I decided to deepen my practice by immersing myself in a 200hr yoga teacher training in India. It was there, that I truly fell in love with yoga and everything it encompasses. It was there that I learned yoga is so much more than just the physical postures and movements. It allowed me to find gratitude and also enabled me to see life through entirely new eyes; eyes of appreciation, love, kindness, happiness and grace. My classes are designed in detail, from the sequence to the music. I love creating an environment where music and movement go hand in hand. I love challenging my students and bringing out the best in them.
Team Vanja

Vanja • @vanjawylie

My life story is one of constant movement and adaptation, which has shaped my approach to yoga and the way I teach it. As a bi-national child, I embraced the spirit of adventure from an early age, and it led me to travel, explore, seek opportunities in different corners of the world and explore diverse cultures worldwide. My yoga journey started in Germany during a demanding career in the automotive industry. Struggling with stress, yoga provided relief, helping me find balance and self-discovery. I soon signed up for my first teacher training, eager to learn more about this ancient practice. As a person I am a very curious and constantly seek new knowledge and challenges, as reflected in the many (sometimes strange) projects I dive into. This curiosity and passion for learning extends to my teaching, as I love sharing the wisdom of yoga with others. For me, yoga is the embodiment of softness, slow movements, and mindfulness — a retreat from the intense, high-energy world and often stressful everyday life. My classes are a blend of strength and softness, with creative flows and a deep focus on transitions. Just as life presents us with constant transitions, my practice reflects the importance of controlling and being aware of every movement needed to navigate these transitions successfully.