Soundbath Facilitator
50hr advanced teacher training
Do you want to become a professional Sound Healer? This training is your roadmap to unlocking the transformative power of sound as a therapeutic tool. We'll cover topics such as trauma via chakras, mantra and nada yoga, quantum physics and resonance, and you'll soon discover how sound influences the human response. You will learn to wield sound healing instruments with precision, and captivate your audience to connect with their inner selves, explore their emotions and thoughts, and attain new levels of self-awareness and personal growth.
Each segment of the training contains practical exercises, interactive elements, and various tools that will equip you to become an expert in the craft of sonic architecture.
With crystal bowls as our focus, we will delve into the theoretical, practical, spiritual, and psychological aspects of sound healing. Crystal bowls produce a pure, crystalline sound that emits healing frequencies, helping to tune the cells in our bodies back into balance, where true healing can begin. By the end of this training, you will not only have the skills needed to become a sound healer, but JaRoisin will also provide an interactive understanding of using sound to explore the mystery of the thinking body — guiding you toward a more harmonious life. This is all supported by her extensive training and experience in trauma-informed yoga.
This training will engage both hemispheres of your brain and ignite the passion in your heart, empowering you to become a more skilled, sensitive, and masterful sound worker.
The Modules
- The Art of Sound: opening ceremony, commitment, intention, the theory of sound, affects of sound, benefits of sound, introduction to crystal singing bowls
- The Art of Awareness: how to cleanse and care for the bowls, techniques for playing & individual practice
- The Art of Responsibility: contraindications and precautions, adding other therapeutical instruments & assessment
- The Art of Silence: mantra / the practice of sound healing one to one session & individual practice
- The Art of Emotional Regulation: the introductions to thoughts, feelings, emotions, trauma via chakras & the practice of sound healing in groups
- The Art of Presence: muladhara: fear, creating a safe space for you and your group, earthing, recycling
- The Art of Dharma: swadhistana & manipura: stepping into our shadows, safety in relationships, ego + self realisation & aggression
- The Art of Love: anahata & visuddha: empathy, sympathy, self love, the power of words, developing confidence around using your voice & individual practice
- The Art of Cultivating Interception: ajna & sahasrara: illusions, moksa, samadhi & transpersonal psychology
- The Art of Conscious Energy I: final theory exam, returning assessment, practical exam in group part I & feedback
- The Art of Conscious Energy II: practical exam in group part II & feedback
- The Art of Support: the frequency of abundance & closing certification ceremony
The Practicals
Course dates & time
This training takes place over 6 intensive days.
Friday 21 4pm-8pm
Saturday 22 12pm-7pm (one hour break included)
Sunday 23 12pm-5.30pm (30 min break included)
Friday 21 4pm-8pm
Saturday 22 12pm-7pm (one hour break included)
Sunday 23 12pm-5.30pm (30 min break included)
Who is eligible to join?
This training is suitable for yoga teachers, therapists, healers as well as anyone interested in learning to lead sound healing or simply wanting a deeper understanding of how sound affects our being.
What you'll receive
50 hour in-person training
a printed training manual with resources for deeper dive into sound
1 × 60 minute one-on-one online/ in person consultation with JaRoisin
a certificate upon completion accredited by the CMA (Complementary Medical Association)
The space
The training takes place in our studio at the heart of Copenhagen. On the old historical street Badstuestræde right next to the main shopping street Strøget you will find our oasis in the basement of an old Copenhagen-building. The main train station or city hub Nørreport Station is only 5 minutes walk away. The closest metro station is Gammel Strand, 2 min walking distance from the studio.
The studio is spacious with changing rooms, lounge area and a practice room (The Shala) fitting up to 25 mats. You can read more about our guidelines and facilities here.

Lead Teacher
JaRoisin │ @jaroisin.doyle
JaRoisin is a certified trauma sensitive yoga teacher & sound therapist since 2004. She has been teaching yoga and sound therapy focused on emotions and trauma for 20 years in yoga studios, hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, kindergartens, corporates, museums, schools and prisons. She believes Yoga & Sound teaches us to live every moment with authenticity, love and discipline bringing order into every molecule of our beings. In her belief this practice fosters a sense of respect for quiet receptivity and the gradual, yet profound, development of self-loyalty.
She is a trained anthropologist, traumatologist, and certified Level 1 and Level 2 Sound Healer through CMA. She has studied with Donna Farhi in The Art of Teaching & Empowerment Through Interoception and with Lisa Petersen in Yoga and Somatics, as well as completing meditation masterclasses with Deepak Chopra and Jack Kornfield. Additionally, she holds over 900 hours of training in Yoga Therapy and Trauma-Sensitive Yoga. JaRoisin now offers crystal bowl sound healing trainings and workshops worldwide, alongside writing poetry and yoga books for children.

Assistant Teacher
Camilla │ @cam.origin
In a world where it’s easy to feel lost, discovering the art of sound as a tool for healing and cultivating presence immediately sparked deep interest. Camilla has practiced sound healing across diverse settings, exploring multiple ways in which it can be used. Her grounded, embodied approach to sound invites each person to journey into self-discovery and transformation. It is in moments of stillness that magic truly unfolds.
She is a 1.000 hr+ yoga teacher and a certified sound healing practitioner trained under her beloved teacher, Mercy Ananda. In this training, she will share her knowledge of frequency, resonance, and quantum physics. She will also introduce instruments like drums, rainsticks, and rattles, which complement the resonance of crystal bowls, inspiring participants to explore the profound power of sound.